28 January 2011

This Week in Catholic Liturgy: Be-Attitudes

Jesus declares to be "blessed" those persons whose hearts are most disposed to receiving His Gospel and following His commandments.  Poor in spirit, mourning, meek, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, merciful, clean of heart, peacemaking, persecuted for the spirit of righteousness: though these situations are not "hot commodities" in today's world, they are the best preparations for the world to come.

22 January 2011

This Week in Catholic Liturgy: Is Christ Divided?

Judging by the proliferation of denominations it would seem that Christ is divided.  Not Christ, but Christians.  The points of contention are many and impossible to ignore, especially in matters pertaining to human sexuality.  This weekend marks the 38th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, a manifestation of just how fundamental the divisions have gotten.  But "the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light" (Isaiah), and they who attempt to walk in the path marked out by the Catholic Church--the way of repentance--will not stumble and will not be lost in the end.

15 January 2011

This Week in Catholic Liturgy: Called Holy, Called to be Holy

In the Christian life, holiness is both a given and a summons.  The Lamb of God "takes away the sin of the world," thus fulfilling John's baptismal activity, which had been the sinner's mere external declaration of repentance and reform of life.  While Christian baptism actually accomplishes the removal of sin, it does not automatically guarantee a sinless life.  This becomes the constant vocation of those who are sanctified: to live as the Lord has fashioned us to be.

12 January 2011

Behold the Lamb of God

Behold the Lamb of God

Something worth reading. Perhaps I'll even get to it before long.

10 January 2011

A Word From Our Sponsa

No typo, this.

Sponsa is Latin for "spouse."  It comes from the verb spondere, to pour out, which is what spouses do with themselves for one another in a well-lived marriage.  "This is my body, which will be given up for you."

This month of January is host to "Vocation Awareness Week," which began on Sunday the 9th.  We should be aware that vocations exist.  That is to say, we should be aware of callings that come from God yet are perceived deep within the human heart--callings to give oneself totally in the manner of the One whose words I cited above.  We should be aware that the inclination to pursue life as a priest, deacon, vowed sister or brother, husband or wife, is not just (or chiefly) our "bright idea," but is something planted within us by God, who Himself is a communion of Persons who give and receive Each Other totally in love.

Apparently we need a week to be devoted to this fact in these times.

In other, not unrelated news, I pass on to you what I myself received: a fitting article for this month of January which also turns our Catholic attention to the cause of unborn human life.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops posted this article on their website.  It offers the compassionate outreach of our late, arguably Great Holy Father, John Paul II of Blessed Memory, to women who have had an abortion.  Whether or not you have had an abortion, or have in any way been involved in an abortion, it is worth your read, because you may very well know someone who has...or, someday, you will.


07 January 2011

This Week in Catholic Liturgy: Take the Plunge

The Lord Jesus undergoes Baptism not because of His need, but because of ours: the absolute need to surrender ourselves entirely, even to death (as He did), in order to experience life everlasting (as He does).  With the Spirit's anointing for mission, we are identified as His beloved, we are entrusted with a task, and we are equipped for that task.  The initial effort may not have been ours (if our parents subjected us to those drowning waters), but there comes a time when we set out on our Jerusalem journey, determined to live and die "for the Lord" (Rom 14:8), one encounter at a time.

06 January 2011

"Glad I asked..."

Patient Reader:

Below is a slightly-edited email reply to a parishioner.  The subject matter is evident from the opening paragraph, and if you can get through the rest, the response is, I suggest, germane to everyone who is understandably discontent with his parish.  Names have been changed.


You have touched upon a subject that is perennially sore, and therefore most worthy of address--actually two subjects: (1) the dearth of Catholic bible study in general and in most (not all) parishes; (2) the dearth of activities (Bible-related or otherwise) for our youth, whom we somehow expect to remain faithful without giving them very many incentives.

The earlier matter of a non-Catholic participating in a non-denominational Bible Study is easy enough to address.  Nobody is forbidden from such activities.  Furthermore, the fact that this particular study group does not proselytize for a particular denomination lends it some credence.  There seems to be no danger of a Catholic losing the faith--or for that matter a Lutheran or Methodist or whoever.  Considering the basic, common threads in Scripture is a worthwhile endeavor that promotes Christian unity and nourishes the soul.  Of course, if any suspect opinions are offered, it would be good to bounce them off the Catechism and/or someone who can help you discern the truth.  But for generations (and you [a recent convert; Ed.] wouldn't necessarily know this), Catholics were, I'd almost say, afraid of Scripture study.  Before my time, some priests and nuns actually discouraged it on the strange and illogical grounds that "You don't know enough about the Bible to study it by yourself."  The understandable concern was that people would encounter some of the paradoxes and historical quirks in the Scriptures and feel that the Catholic faith was being threatened by it; unfortunately their solution--benign neglect and prolonged ignorance--"threw the baby out with the bathwater." 

The Catholic Church encourages Bible study, especially as it helps Catholics to see the richness of their faith, which is steeped in Scripture.  This was a major point of the Second Vatican Council nearly 50 years ago, but like many things, it takes generations for such realities to sink in.  And again, so many things vary from one parish to the next, such as opportunities that each particular parish may afford.  HGA has no formal opportunities at this time.  Priests and parishioners have initiated such studies for a several-week session; as a result of their sparse attendance (interpreted as lack of interest), they were discontinued.  One attempt was made since I've been here, 2 days short of 3 years already.

Does that mean we shouldn't try?  Of course not.  Like the Mass itself, it has to be offered regularly, week in and week out, no matter what.  It takes time for such things to grow.  Many factors are involved: advertisement, personal invitation, orthodox content, freedom and safety for open discussion, warm atmosphere, etc.  The "Mass production" of many Catholic parishes appears to stifle such initatives, as well as lack of firm support to start and sustain them.  We all have priorities, and the unforeseen often forces scheduling conflicts, and discouragement sets in like a virus, or rather like cancer.

And then there's the youth: when they are "seen and not heard" as the saying goes, they eventually aren't even seen.  My generation is living proof.  We tend to blame our society with all of its sporting, artistic, and just-plain-fun events for children: with all the running around, who has time for church?  Of course, blaming society is an "easy out" from having to actually do anything about the matter.  Again there are many factors behind a good program; the ones cited above for Bible study are relevant.  The Church (i.e. our parish) doesn't offer anything  for our young parishioners over and above Sunday Liturgy of the Word (and many parishes don't even have that) and Youth Group (grades 8 and up).  But children are most impressionable and spiritually malleable at Agnes' and Martin's age [both under 10; Ed.].  That's where we spark their interest and start to fan the flame, for by the time that the perfumes and car fumes set in, if they don't yet have the interest, they may not get it until they're much older and life has started to happen--life with all its twists and turns and tragedies. ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...Now that we've articulated the problem, it's time for a stab at the solution.

Doris, would you be interested in initiating and/or assisting in an initiative for Bible Study and/or youth faith formation in your parish?  Note that the Knights of Columbus, which started just over a year ago and has garnered much interest from our Catholic men (your own Oscar notably among them), started when a parishioner, a Knight in his previous parish's council, asked us if HGA could start a council.  Msgr. Hartgen and I warmly approved of the idea, the parishioner got hold of the necessary human resources, and the rest, as they say, is history in the making, to tremendous effect!  We priests can't do everything, and frankly we shouldn't be micro-involved in every program that a parish offers, except to lend our necessary support however possible.  It's the people who make the parish in many ways, and I know that we have scores of faithful, dedicated, well-organized, engaging people like you who see needs and respond to them with courage and wisdom.  Your email is one such example; if God is calling you to do something (and I dare to be a channel of God's calling, even as I was called), He will equip you and others whom you enlist to get it moving. 

There are many solid Catholic resources available, so that one need not have to pick up a Bible and plod through it willy-nilly--although that's better than nothing.  Having a Catechism and a Bible dictionary at hand is helpful.  As for a format, the readings for the upcoming weekend are always a good and relevant point of departure: studying these would help parishioners to get more out of the Mass when they go.  All we need is one or more interested people and the Holy Spirit.  Ask around.  Be prepared for dashed expectations, but don't let them deflate you.  I prayerfully await your response.

And I await yours as well, patient reader.  "Blessed are they who perceive needs and respond to them with courage and wisdom, for they shall be busy." (2 Malachi 14:4, Old Parochial Version)

01 January 2011

This Week in Catholic Liturgy: It's The Oikonomia, Stupid

The Greek word oikonomia, found in the 2nd reading (Eph 3:2) means "stewardship," literally "the law of the household."  It's the handling of people and situations, the application of principles to persons.  St. Paul considers the mystery of universal salvation a "talent on loan from God."  The utmost concern in our day is not just that the holy gifts of/to the Christ child be handled well, but that they be handled period.  Make the oikonomia your priority this year, and all else will be given unto you.

The ball has dropped; don't drop the ball!

We need not be frightened by the consideration that 2011 could be the year on the terminal side of our dash (1976--x).  Deo adiuvante, let's make it a good year!  Let's use all the means for sanctification at our disposal: the Scriptures, the Sacraments, the Communion of Faith that is all the better for our full, conscious, and active participation.