10 January 2011

A Word From Our Sponsa

No typo, this.

Sponsa is Latin for "spouse."  It comes from the verb spondere, to pour out, which is what spouses do with themselves for one another in a well-lived marriage.  "This is my body, which will be given up for you."

This month of January is host to "Vocation Awareness Week," which began on Sunday the 9th.  We should be aware that vocations exist.  That is to say, we should be aware of callings that come from God yet are perceived deep within the human heart--callings to give oneself totally in the manner of the One whose words I cited above.  We should be aware that the inclination to pursue life as a priest, deacon, vowed sister or brother, husband or wife, is not just (or chiefly) our "bright idea," but is something planted within us by God, who Himself is a communion of Persons who give and receive Each Other totally in love.

Apparently we need a week to be devoted to this fact in these times.

In other, not unrelated news, I pass on to you what I myself received: a fitting article for this month of January which also turns our Catholic attention to the cause of unborn human life.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops posted this article on their website.  It offers the compassionate outreach of our late, arguably Great Holy Father, John Paul II of Blessed Memory, to women who have had an abortion.  Whether or not you have had an abortion, or have in any way been involved in an abortion, it is worth your read, because you may very well know someone who has...or, someday, you will.


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