23 March 2011

Life, Interrupted

This Friday is the solemnity of the Annunciation, so Catholics get a reprieve from the rigors of Lent.  According to Canon 1251, "Abstinence from eating meat or some other food according to the prescripts of the conference of bishops is to be observed on every Friday of the year unless a Friday occurs on a day listed as a solemnity." 

Observe the significance of this day not just by reveling at Red Robin, but by pausing upon the fact that young Mary of Nazareth was going about her day, folding the laundry, sweeping the floor, when in a trice an angel declared that the Father's high regard of her prompted Him to sire the Son in her by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Life would never be the same...for Mary, or for anyone.

Yes, Mary, always yes!  To all that will be, yes!

God thinks highly of you, dear daughters and sons of Adam.  God chose not to become a monkey, or a Bosc pear, or a birch tree.  Human flesh now and forever conveys the promised One, the promise of redemption from our damnable, lamentable attachments to self.  Your human flesh and mine become the very instrument of salvation.

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