28 April 2011

Notes in the Octave IV: Dignity Restored

The Resurrection of the Christ underscores God's high estimation of mankind.
St. Peter, in one of several post-Pentecost preachings, accounts for the power of God at work in him and his fellow apostles.  Having healed a cripple, Peter deflects the credit to Jesus, the One whom His own people rejected, but whose response to that rejection was unadulterated love.  Repentance is our proper response: changing our evil ways not (pace Santana) as a precondition to the gift of love, but as the optimization of our capacity to receive the gift.

Christ is the pinnacle of God's expression of love for the people He has fashioned.  The Psalmist declares the majesty of God's name precisely in light of the dignity that He ascribed to man over all created things.  These things are important to us; how much more important (cherished) are we to God!

The Resurrection appearances of Jesus are themselves an affirmation of our worth.  Jesus' first words: Peace be with you, set the stage immediately.  Incredulity gives way to faith with demonstrations of Jesus' reality: He has flesh and bones, He can eat, He can open the disciples' minds to understand the Scriptures in a flash, He can empower them as witnesses to preach and heal in His Name.

These Scriptures can put to rest any thoughts to the contrary about my worth in God's sight.  No longer can I throw exceptions, as if one of them may shut God up ("Yep, he was right all along.  Why ever did I go the Cross and grave for that miscreant?").  Our repentance is one good reason: the very possibility of it!

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