24 April 2011

Notes on a Scandal VI (Reflections on Holy Week)

A couple of hours ago I was the principal celebrant of the Easter Vigil for the first time as a priest (eight years this June).  What an honor, to Baptize, Confirm, and give Holy Communion to seven men who are now fully initiated into the Catholic Church!  I pray that our neophytes will grow their faith through worthy study, worship, prayer, and life choices.  One of my blog "followers" (you know who you are) has just made this step tonight.  Many blessings to him in particular, as he and I have known each other for over 20 years; it has always been an honor to be his friend, but now he is a fellow Catholic.

This Liturgy began with the lighting of the Easter fire and the blessing of the Paschal Candle, which for a time was the only light visible in the nave of the Church.  Scripture readings told the story of God's movement in creation; the Gloria and the threefold Alleluia led us to the Gospel of the Resurrection.  Then the glory of the risen Christ shone forth in sacramental initiation and in the baptismal renewal of all present.  The Mass continued as any other, which is to say that God the Son gave His life for us in tangible, edible form.  Hardly ordinary!

The greatest scandal lies ahead: your life and mine, which will not help but cause non-believers and believers alike to "stumble" upon Christ.  Perhaps it will be His weakness that people see quite often, as we don't cease to be weak; but His strength and glory will surface, as well.  To the extent that we tap into that strength and glory, aligning our weak selves with His crucified and risen Self, the Church will continue to grow.

1 comment:

  1. As my Facebook status read from last night...Father Z rocks!
