01 June 2012

Loss Prevention

Nowadays when you return an item to a store, the customer service people may not even ask you why you are returning it.  Then the item gets shipped to a warehouse or factory and is sold at a lower price.  The company "takes the hit" on the item.

The Church, the "Company of Witnesses," has lost her share of adherents over the years.  It has become a topic of studies and reflections (such as this one by the Nat'l Cath Reporter, this posting by a priest from Phila, and America Magazine's Fr. Byron, a co-author of one recent study).

One blogger asks not the usual 5 questions to people who are contemplating a departure.  The business of "loss prevention" is worth undertaking, long overdue.

Another question worth asking: "Why are you staying?"

1 comment:

  1. Bruegmann Group loss prevention is a profession that is responsible for reducing inventory losses inside retail stores. Loss prevention professionals manage in-store security programs that focus on reducing inventory losses due to employee theft, shoplifting, fraud, vendor theft, and accounting errors.
