26 August 2012

What He Said

For your edification I provide the link to a personally relevant article, "On Why I Left Facebook."  I have been back-and-forthing on this very subject for some time--talking about it with a mentor, with a brother priest, justifying this way and that...and doing other things that an unholy hour on Facebook would preclude.  But the case remains open...and it will so remain until I make a decision.

The selfsame blogger posted another relevant writing by Fr. Sertillanges, O.P. "On Intellectual Work."  Sertillanges' words seem to apply to the earlier post.

I had an "ouch moment" when I read a quotation of philosopher Josef Pieper from the first piece:

“For its part, evagatio mentis [uneasy restlessness of mind] reveals itself in loquaciousness (verbositas), in excessive curiosity (curiositas), in an irreverent urge ‘to pour oneself out from the peak of the mind onto many things’ (importunitas), in interior restlessness (inquietudo), and in instability of place or purpose (instabilitas loci vel propositi).

Today I ask God to open my heart to the discipline necessary to become a better thinker, reader, and writer, "for our good and for the good of all His holy Church."

1 comment:

  1. That is the wonderful thing about writers like Pieper, is it not? Those "ouch moments" which too often remind us (or at least, me) of the right path, and how far we are away from it?

