08 September 2012

What's Important About "Porta Fidei"

I should be embarrassed to say that I only recently read "Porta Fidei," the Apostolic Letter proclaiming the Year of Faith which begins next month.  Perhaps a few salient points will help us to understand the value of this "acceptable time."

  • Previous generations took for granted the reality of faith and the values that derive from faith.  Many people are desert-dwellers, unknowingly yearning for the life that Christ alone can give.
  • A prayerful return to the texts of the Second Vatican Council, as well as a summons to profound conversion and joyful witness, are sorely needed.
  • The whole Church is called to a faith more deeply "professed, celebrated, lived, and prayed" (note the fourfold participles are the pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, whose promulgation almost 20 years ago was at once a fruit of Vatican II and an impetus for the Year of Faith).
  • We focus on the objective content of faith and the subjective act of faith--there is the faith that we are taught, that we celebrate, etc; and there is our personal assent to God.
  • We must note the darker chapters in the history of salvation.  These serve as further stimuli to conversion and faith in the Savior.  He continues to work by the transforming power of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection, with the cooperation of Mary, the Apostles, the Martyrs, the Consecrated and Lay Faithful.
  • Faith expresses itself through charitable action.  We recognize Jesus in the people we serve, and thus we strengthen our commitment to serve Him in them, despite any discouragement in the face of evil.
As our parish and diocese offer special events for this Year of Faith, we will keep you informed.


  1. Thank you for this excellent summary! I had heard the "Year of Faith" mentioned at church and in the blogosphere, but wasn't sure what exactly the point or purpose of it was. Your post is supremely helpful in understanding it!

    1. Thank you, Mary, for reading and commenting! May this be a fruitful Year for you and for all His holy Church!
